
Double-Entry Bookkeeping Explained
Double-entry bookkeeping gives you a more complete & comprehensive view of your business finances - but how do you do it? Read our blog to

SH01 Form: Our Guide
The SH01 form notifies Companies House when new shares are added to a private limited company, but when should you submit one and what information do you

What Is Accounts Payable?
Accounts payable is a vital part of your statement of financial position - but what is accounts payable and which expenses are included? Our blog

Creating A Statement Of Financial Position: Our Guide
The statement of financial position is one of the key financial statements within your business, so it's vital to know how they work and how

Do I Need To Register For VAT?
If you run a business, you may be wondering - do I need to register for VAT? Our blog explains the VAT registration threshold and

Cash Flow Problems: How To Spot Them And Avoid Them
Having a healthy cash flow is essential for your business to flourish. In this blog, we explain some of the common causes of cash flow

Allowable Expenses For A Limited Company
Limited company owners can claim tax relief on allowable business expenses - but what exactly are allowable expenses? And which costs are included? To find

Sole Trader vs Limited Company: What’s The Difference?
Trading styles and tax rates can feel like a minefield to many small businesses! The sole trader vs limited company conundrum isn't going anywhere and

What Are P11D Forms? Our Guide
Submitted annually, a P11D form reports any benefits-in-kind to HMRC. At Accountants East London, we regularly support our clients through the P11D process.

IR35 Changes In 2021 – What They Mean For You
IR35 is often regarded as a complex and nuanced piece of legislation, and it is important to understand its core principals and how these will

How To Copyright A Website: A Guide
Small business owners know that building a website does not happen overnight. The process can be lengthy and involved. So, after spending weeks tweaking page layouts,

Small Business Support During Coronavirus
On the 23rd of March, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced the closure of non-essential shops and services as part of a lockdown. This has